2021 Reflections

By Rebecca Eyre, Project HEAL CEO

As we come to the end of 2021, I wanted to share an overview of what Project HEAL was able to accomplish this year, thanks to the incredible support of our community.

Internally, Project HEAL has been hard at work at ensuring that we embody our values - that equity matters, that healing is possible, that all bodies are good bodies, and that we’re better together.

In 2021, Project HEAL:

  • Added 6 new people to our Board of Directors, solidifying the most passionate, unified, and diverse Board of Directors in the eating disorder field

  • Took good care of our staff, maintaining a 94% staff satisfaction score throughout the year

  • Continued our investment in DEI, working with and learning from educators throughout the year such as Milton Reynolds, the Pivotal Paradigm Project, Nalgona Positivity Pride, the FEDUP Collective, and Patrilie Hernandez of Embody Lib

  • Grew our Ambassador network to over 750 incredible people around the world raising awareness about eating disorders and barriers to healing

  • And more…

Externally, Project HEAL has been cultivating the partnerships we need in order to make our vision a reality. We know that we have a responsibility to lead during these particularly difficult times for the eating disorder community, and we know that we can’t do this alone.

In 2021, Project HEAL:

  • Solidified partnerships with 120 treatment providers across the U.S. who donate their care to our beneficiaries through the HEALers Circle

  • Represented the eating disorder community in multiple conversations with Meta (Facebook & Instagram) in the wake of the whistleblower testimony before Congress outlining the role of social media in our nation’s youth mental health crisis

  • Advocated for insurance policy reform in meetings with the U.S. Department of Labor

  • Led a conversation with the nation’s largest employers about barriers to mental health care access at OneMind at Work’s Global Forum

  • Supported the SERVE Act which was passed into federal law this month securing better eating disorder coverage for U.S. veterans and military families

  • And more…

Programmatically, Project HEAL had a landmark year, reaching and serving more people than we did in our first 13 years as an organization combined. Our shift in 2020 to a laser focus on eating disorder treatment access has made us more effective and more impactful than ever before.

In 2021, Project HEAL:

  • Reached over 300,000 people through research and community education

  • Delivered treatment access support to 347 people, which is up 1184% from 2019

  • Said “YES!” to 78% of our applicants, despite getting more applications than ever (compared to a 10% application acceptance rate in 2019)

    • 33% of our beneficiaries were BIPOC

    • 40% were LGBTQ+

    • 64% were experiencing size discrimination

    • 67% are over 24yo

    • 100% report their eating disorders worsening due to the pandemic

  • Turned every dollar donated into $3.39 in cash value of services delivered

I just want to say thank you.

Thank you to everyone who donated to Project HEAL and powered our mission through their generosity.

Thank you to everyone who partners with us and makes healing possible.

Thank you to everyone who selflessly volunteers with us, whether as national volunteers or ambassadors.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Barriers to Treatment Access research study (which is still open through Spring 2022!).

And thank you to everyone who simply tuned into one of our webinars or Instagram Lives to learn more about the problems we’re on a mission to solve.

We couldn’t do any of this with you. Because of you, 2021 was a remarkable year for Project HEAL and, most importantly, it was a life-changing year for the people we were able to help thanks to your support.

We’ve got really big things in store for 2022 and I can’t wait to share them with you - soon!

In the meantime, happiest new year to you & yours…

With gratitude,


Rebecca Eyre, LMHC

Chief Executive Officer


